Let's talk a little bit about equipment. So seating is a huge factor for us. We are sitting, well hopefully after today you'll be standing more, but we are sitting for hours and hours and hours a day, times, weeks, months, years. OK, we wanna make sure that whatever it is that we're sitting on is made for us, that it's supporting us and our unique bodies. If we're using a stool that isn't for us, that's not the best for our body. It's going to be forcing us into awkward positions and it's going to be increasing our risk of damage over time. I am a huge fan of saddle stools. For all the reasons that I already talked about, there's also some stools. If you see here this assistant stool, there's stools with a triangular seat. I really like these too. I recently just tried one that isn't a saddle stool, but it's one of these triangular seat stools, loved it, and it had a backrest on it. I loved it. So if you aren't able to tolerate a saddle stool, this might be a good option for you too. But really, be mindful of what you're sitting on, because honestly that is a predictor of either our health or our lack of health in the future.