Instant Answers
Have a question about registration or another topic? We might have answered your question below!
I'm a new dentalcare user. How do I register?
Click here to register. To create your profile, your password must have at least 8 characters and contain at least 1 number.
Is it ok to use images from the website?
Our policy regarding using images from the website is to provide permission if all of the following conditions are met:
- You are a non profit company/agency;
- They are used for educational purposes only
- The following credit is given: “Permission granted by Oral-B”
Where are your case studies?
To view the case studies located in our Student Resources click here. Note: The same Case Studies appear in Faculty Resources and contain the answers to the test questions. To view the case studies located in our Faculty Resources click here
Are your CE courses interactive?
Procter & Gamble courses satisfy the requirements in the Australia for "Self-Study" and "Computer Interactive" Courses.
How can I contact my P&G Representative?
We would be more than happy to forward a message to a P&G Representative. Please send a note using the "Contact Us " link to submit your request and include the name of your office and the office address (including postcode).
How do I contact my P&G School Representative?
We would be more than happy to forward a message to a P&G Representative. Please send a note using the "Contact Us" link to submit your request and include the name and postcode of your school.
Can you delete duplicate courses from my list?
We are sorry to inform you that we cannot delete CE courses which have already been submitted. As a CE provider, we are required to keep copies of all submitted courses for 7 years. Due to this regulation, our system does not allow course deletion. This ensures that a course will not be deleted accidentally
How can I submit an idea for a new product?
We offer one centralized system for idea submissions. To submit your idea and review our guidelines click here.
How do I apply for a job at Procter & Gamble?
To begin the application process, please check out the "Careers" section of Procter & Gamble's corporate website. The URL is
Do your toothbrushes contain latex?
No toothbrush component contains latex.
I am having trouble submitting my CE test.
Please make certain you have completed all three steps.
How do I order Patient Paste Samples?
This program is currently not running. If the program becomes available in the future, your local Oral-B representative will let you know.
Where can I claim warranty for my electric brush?
VICTORIA, TASMANIA, NEW SOUTH WALES/ACT, NT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, WESTERN AUSTRALIA Statewide Services Pty Ltd (Trading as J A Appliances) A: 17-19 Hossack Avenue, Coburg North, VIC, 3058 T: 1300 883 957 F: +61 3 9355 8644 E:
QUEENSLAND Walters Import Trading as Brisbane Appliance Service Centre A: 449 Beaudesert Road, Moorooka, QLD, 4105 P: +61 7 3277 0360 F: +61 7 3274 2909 E:
How can I purchase Oral-B products to retail in practice or to include as part of my patient treatment offer?
Please reach out to the Oral-B distributors for dental professionals, as listed below:
Dentavision P: 1800 806 640 E: OR Henry Schein Halas P: 1300 65 88 22 E:
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